Lenel Badge Reactivation with TWIC LINK
Service Description
DO NOT USE THIS REGISTRATION FOR BADGE UPDATES This registration is for persons that need their existing access badges reactivated due to being out longer than 14 days or end of employment. In-Person appointments are required if your TWIC either needs updating or is NOT linked to the LENEL Badge. YOU MAY USE THE ONLINE BADGE REACTIVATION SUBMISSION IF YOU MEET THE FOLLOWING: -Training Credentials either currently valid or need updating -TWIC is still valid -TWIC is already linked to the LENEL Badge Badge issuance and reactivations are by appointment only. Persons arriving late for an appointment must reschedule. Contractors must be fully in compliance with Marathon regulations BEFORE arriving for their appointment. Persons not in compliance will not be processed for an access badge.
Contact Details
Security Badging Office - 883 Perimeter Rd Reserve, LA 70084